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COVID-19 Response Team Update | CHN

The number of COVID-19 cases is expected to continue to rise in the aftermath of the political campaign and relaxation of the prevention measures by many people. This is also coupled with the high number of Malawians returning from South Africa in the last weeks, most of which have tested positive for the virus. Due to the escalation of infections and deaths due to the pandemic, the Malawi government, through the special Presidential Task Force, recently announced additional prevention measures including the suspension of public events and mandatory wearing of masks in public places.

Through our Health and Education interventions, the Passion Center has continued to reach various groups with prevention awareness messages, hand washing supplies, and distribution of learning materials to learners.

Recently, Our CHN ministry conducted several awareness training sessions at the Passion Center for Pastors (PCP) Kasinje, Sharpevale, and Chikwawa centers. Over 150 pastors and leaders were reached, trained, and provided with supplies.

Our CHN Coordinator, Pastor Edwin, took the pastors and leaders through what COVID-19 is, how it spreads, and how to prevent being infected as well as infecting other people with coronavirus. The emphasis was on the observance of social distance, the proper use of face masks, and the need to protect the most vulnerable groups to COVID-19 such as children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems due to other illnesses. He also took the time to answer questions that the participants asked.

As one way of empowering them in the prevention of the virus, each church was given two hand-washing sets, which consisted of a tapped bucket, receiving basin, and soap. In addition, every pastor/leader was given a reusable facial mask to be used whenever training sessions are in progress.

Speaking on behalf of all the pastors, the chairman of the Kasinje PCP center thanked the PCP leadership for the awareness session on COVID-19 and for the supplies they received. He stated, “We are so grateful because you haven’t just talked about the COVID-19 preventive measures, you have also provided us protective equipment. Thank you for the buckets, soap, and the masks we have received today.”

We are so grateful for the opportunities our CHN ministry has to impact the local community because of your continued support! To partner with us to provide more hand-washing stations and protective equipment, visit our website:



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