This Christmas Season, Give Hope. For the next 30 days, we will be sharing a few of the many ways the Lord continues to bless and grow our ministries, along with a few specific ways to get involved. Over the next several weeks, we ask that you continue to pray with us for all God will do through these ministries in the coming year.
Nyson Ndenda’s story is an amazing example of how God’s grace breathes new life into hopeless situations and crafts a future of hope that no one saw coming. Today, Nyson is attending college and doesn’t have to worry if his younger brothers and sister will have enough to eat. While away from his siblings, he also doesn’t have to worry if they will be safe and have a warm, dry place to live.
That’s because God, through the Passion Center, changed everything about this little family. Before, they were extremely vulnerable and had little hope of things changing for the better. They had lost both of their parents, experienced the complete collapse of their home during a storm, and they struggled daily to find enough food to eat. However, since entering the Passion Center’s Child Headed Household (CHH) ministry, Nyson and his siblings now have a staff pastor visiting and encouraging them regularly, they receive food to eat and live in a newly built home, thanks to one of our generous partners. They are also able to attend school, and if they qualify, even attend one of the better Malawian universities, just like Nyson is doing now! There are many others like Nyson and his family. Would you consider extending tangible hope to other Passion Center orphans today?
How can I help?
-Help us send five additional orphans to college, at $1,000 per year
Please use 'Education' as your designation
-Help us build four new homes, just like Nyson's, for our orphaned Child Headed Households at $4,500 each
Please use 'Build Them a Home' as your designation
Please pray alongside us that many would give towards these four new homes and five orphans going to college. Thank you!