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Give HOPE | Opportunities to Further our Medical Care

The Community Health Network (CHN) has grown tremendously from 1 team of 10 volunteers bringing healthcare, healing, and spiritual wholeness to 12 villages, to over 130 volunteers serving 150+ remote villages! Now with one of our previous Passion orphans graduating from medical school and joining the CHN staff as a doctor, we’re dreaming of serving even more who are severely underserved and face chronic supply shortages. We would love to do that in two ways: First, we would like to launch a mobile CHN clinic that travels to remote areas to train more volunteer teams and provide health screening and care in severe cases. Secondly, we would like to upgrade an existing building to a fixed site clinic to screen and refer champs (special needs children), infants, and children who might need surgeries at private or government general hospitals.

With a doctor on board, we have an amazing opportunity to further extend and enhance health care in a country that has one of the lowest doctor-to-patent ratios in the world! Please prayerfully consider helping us step into these opportunities.

How can I help?

  • Help us purchase medical equipment and supplies for a mobile clinic: approximately 7K Use 'CHN Mobile Equipment' as your designation.

  • Help us convert a current building into a fixed medical clinic: approximately $15K-20K Use 'Medical Clinic' as your designation.



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