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Meet Ethel

Ethel is 12 years old and was young when her mother passed. Her father is paralyzed and cannot support her. Ethel currently lives with her grandmother who took her in. Unfortunately, Ethel must work from time to time to help meet hers and her grandmothers' daily needs. With the support of Passion Center, Ethel can now focus on education and not worry about food, school fees, clothes, and health care. Ethel wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She needs a praying and giving sponsor to continue this story of rescue, redemption, and restoration.

She is part of the 20 orphans, 35 special

needs children and 8 Child Headed Households we’ve invited into the Passion Center families. We need sponsors for Ethel and many more like her. Would you consider sponsoring Ethel? Your $40 a month commitment helps bring hope to those in need just like herself. Prayerfully consider sponsoring Ethel. Visit our Donate page and type Ethel's name in the additional comments section to designate your gift to support her.



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