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PCP Update Announcement

Dear Friends, Partners, and Family,

After much prayer, we are pleased to announce that Pastor Billy Wood has agreed to accept our request to lead the Passion Center for Pastors (PCP) ministry as the Director of the PCP.

Billy pastors the ONE Baptist Church in Douglasville, Georgia. He is a dear friend and has been involved in the ongoing ministry in Malawi on many levels. As Pastor Mark Trotter’s ministry partner over the past several years, we have gotten to know Billy’s heart for the Word and Work of God. Sadly, it is because of Abusa Trotter’s passing that we had to take this step, but it is in godly confidence that we look forward to Billy continuing the work that Mark led so well.

Please join us in praying for and welcoming Billy, his wife Shannon, and their family to the Malawi ministry team. We remain committed to walking through these open doors and laboring in His harvest field. If you have questions or comments as we embrace the amazing opportunities the Lord has before us, please let us know.

We encourage everyone to please lift up your eyes with us, ‘and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest’. (Jn 4:35).

By His Grace,

F. Eric Von Barnau Sythoff

President & Founder

Passion Center

Pilira W. Chibwana

Pastor Mulunguzi Community Church

National Director Passion Center


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