Pictured: The Chikuse Family, one of the first 70 identified for the Poultry/Backyard Gardening Project
This month we are kicking off The Poultry & Backyard Gardening Project! This project seeks to further lift up 210 of the most vulnerable that we serve: the Infant Rescue guardians, orphans living with HIV/AIDS, Champs families (special needs families), orphans in Child Headed Households (CHHs), and young Passion orphans living with elderly grandparents or relatives. We hope to start with the first 70 this month. This simple but unique project seeks to provide long term food security & economic empowerment to hundreds of households! The Passion Center Elisha Initiative (EI) ministry will provide the training, supervision, start-up resources, evangelism, discipleship, and ongoing project sustainment to those identified.
Here's How it Works:
Through the success of increased yields using the “Foundations in Farming’ principles, the first 70 households in the project will have an 18’x18’ garden from which to improve their nutrition and earn money from selling their excess. Then the first 70 households will receive a start-up consisting of 11 chickens (10 hens & 1 rooster.) The eggs will provide additional protein as well as earning money from selling excess eggs. In addition, the first 70 households will be trained and instructed to raise more chickens from their start-up, with the modest first-year goal of 50 chickens. From those 50, they will provide the next 70 with their start-up of 11 chickens!
Click here to view our campaign: http://sponsorship.passioncenterforchildren.org/campaigns/poultry-backyard-gardening-project