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Meet Violet | Champs

Violet Gov is our newest Champ. Violet is a special needs child who needs the Passion Cen

ter's help. She is extremely malnourished; though age 11, she looks like she's 4 years old. She lays on a mat all day, is very stiff, and much of her body is turned to one side. Help for her is just beginning. With the Passion Center's resources through the Champions Club, she'll have access to training for her and her caretaker so she can slowly start to get better. Most importantly, Violet will be spoken to about the love of God and how much he cares for her. Please pray for her and that she'll learn that God loves and has not forgotten her. Please consider sponsoring Violet. If you would like to sponsor Violet, click here and select 'Passion Champs' > add Violet's name to the Additional Comment.



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